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What are some good 5 d cinema and its profit cost respectively is how to join us?

by:Fuhua     2020-12-28

today fuhua intelligent technology in here with all of you take a look at what good 5D cinema and its profit cost respectively is how to join us? Then what is? Then we'll take a look at.

according to statistics, China's population of one billion three hundred million in the bai du, really seen stereoscopic film less than 1% of the people. The traditional three-dimensional cost of dao is as high as millions or even tens of millions of yuan zhi, the cinema, average consumer can not contact. But China's huge market and huge spending power has a great demand on stereoscopic film again. Stereographic projection happens to fill this gap to provide professional equipment. Only tens of thousands of yuan, even personal management. In low cost and ensure the watch costs low, thus bring generous profits. Even if each audience is 20 yuan/times, a theater seat on a one hundred - seat is only 80% of the rate, have great competitive advantage. Of course, on the process of making the price need to see the local consumption ability. According to our research and customer feedback, in less developed areas, charge 10 - each time 20 yuan, watching 60 minutes stereoscopic film, can be generally accepted.

investment analysis: 8 - film Business hours are 10 to 15 minutes 12 hours ticket price 20 yuan/piece of equipment of less than 100000 in terms of daily average of 100 people, monthly income, 30 ( Days) × 20 ( Yuan) × 100 ( People) = 60000 month electricity: equipment power consumption per hour about 5 degrees, 1 yuan 1 KWH valuation, press 1 day for 10 hours meter cost 1500 yuan a month GongShangFei and other miscellaneous fees: 10000 yuan per month investment operation: 1. Investment cost: 5 d cinema equipment. 4. 80000 yuan ( Package installation) At present the most popular investment projects, including: projection system, dynamic seat and special system, control system, public address system, etc of a complete set of equipment.

2。 5 d cinema and reward of the investment: input ground rent 5000 yuan/month output daily screenings artificial * 2 4000-24 games 4800 yuan/month attend daily water and electricity fees. 600-144 The ticket price 800 yuan/month 15 January 9600 - cost Average daily income is 2160 yuan, 10600 yuan monthly income on January profits = 64800-64800 10600 = 54200 RMB 5 d movie is on the background and effect of 4D movie, let the audience from the hearing, sight, smell, touch and motion five aspects to achieve immersive effect.

when the audience watching the 3D movie, for example, along the change of film and television content can be real-time feel storm, thunder, rain, the impact and spray mist around the corresponding event occurred and stereo images, the seat will be swayed.

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