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VR for the future development of advantage in where?

by:Fuhua     2020-12-04

virtual reality and augmented reality may be under a common interface of human-computer interaction. In 2017, we still can see many related aspects of the technology progress and content. Although at this stage is most likely to make money is some vertical industry field, such as education, real estate, health care, and electricity, etc. , but the public is the most familiar VR applications should still be game entertainment content. As VR hardware prices drop, content rich rise gradually, through the different electronic world games will become an important part of mass entertainment.

a, close the relationship between man and game

the future electronic games of keywords is immersed, immersion into the game world. People no longer satisfied by a specific window to observe the game world, people need to be surrounded by visual and audio track. Now the game is better than a few decades ago has better immersive, more easily integrated into the game plot, feel in the virtual world.

players to play the game one of the main purpose is to feel beyond the experience of real life, because life is more flat, often repeated, we rarely feel himself become the protagonist in the life and heroes. Virtual reality has brought the surreal, players can become the protagonist of surreal, though rational told us that this is not real, it still has a great deal of charm. Interaction is more close to the natural form of virtual reality, so there are also many medical VR application designed to help the patients to adapt to the life, it is not a simple entertainment.

2, become the protagonist

plane electronic games the biggest drawback is the greatest advantages of VR, either perspective, players are only role in manipulating rather than become a role. Even like the grand theft auto game of elaborate design character, plane game experience can convey empathy is quite limited. VR story helps players to better understand the role of the environment, to obtain the feeling of the role.

three, increase social interaction.

although VR head of isolation is a kind of social elements, but if to VR games and social elements of the game, which is regarded as contains huge potential. With continue to optimize the network latency and bandwidth, we can create a VR version of an MMORPG games ( Massively multiplayer online role playing game) 。 Such a network can support a large number of players at the same time adventure game social attribute of the self-evident, of course, want to realize the matrix or the matrix 'SAO' of the world there are technical limitations.

4, the influence of the physical and physiological.

studies showed that VR can strengthen the empathy, after the content of correct guidance, more able to express respect for the will of the people. This effect does not stop at the virtual reality itself, the change of the mood can also be extended to the reality, content creators can use this function to convey a positive meaning. Of course, we also want to alert people with ulterior motives to spread bad feelings to the society.

if add the content of the cooperative interaction in VR, can help the social difficult people training how to cooperate with others, can improve the team spirit of cooperation and increase contact between individuals. We also can not forget the simulation virtual training skills training effect on real activity, people can be familiar with related operation in advance by VR training, faster hands on the ground.

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