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Studies the practice education base the content of the need to have?

by:Fuhua     2021-01-19

the first thing we need to know the research study practice education base software construction including the research study is clear, specific content only studies the clarity of the content, can be combined with the actual situation to optimize the practice education activities, improve the effect of the guidance of education activities. In this way can we better understanding for more information on this.

1。 Curriculum

is the curriculum studies to travel the most obvious influence on education effect factors in the work, exploring the studies education practice base construction, to analyze the curriculum, making scientific curriculum plan.

first, attention should be paid to studies practice the actual demand in different stages of primary and secondary schools education course study, the research learning curriculum and school course organic together, set up distinct themes, secondary school education work.

second, combining with the concrete base course design and planning, to design the perfect course system, course teaching force, strengthen the standardization of the curriculum system construction.

in the end, in the process of course design and planning, to plan as a whole analysis of the connection between the teaching, practice and experience activities, strengthen the teaching of the course content and practice, in the process of organization to carry out the research study practice education can provide effective guidance for students.

2。 Studies the line

studies lines of studies to determine the direct impact on education activities carried out, so exploring the studies in the process of education practice base construction, the contents of the research study will clear studies circuit design as an important content for specific analysis and research.

on the one hand, in the construction of the base work, can try to develop suitable for different stages of primary and secondary schools students learning lines of inquiry learning, to clear studies work target, put forward the research learning practice education functions of lines;

on the other hand, for each type of youth education practice is analyzed, the characteristics of combined with the growth of the students needs and learning needs to clear, studies the practice education route to enhance line of pertinence and operability, ensure that can help to carry out the research study practice education activities, to studies practice education activities to create conditions to travel.

3。 Quality evaluation

in combination with studies to satisfy the demand of the education practice base construction studies clearly in the process of the specific content, quality evaluation, as the key to on the basis of comprehensive analysis of the specific circumstances, travel to studies the practice education activity effect evaluation work, make sure that you can truly understand the knowledge and skills of the students grasp the situation, in the studies to the student travel evaluate the performance of practical education activity, guiding students to an in-depth exploration of the system.

in the specific measures in the process of practice education effect, can start from different sectors, and set up corresponding evaluation criteria, such as the excellent traditional culture, to investigate the students to understand and master the situation of excellent traditional culture, the Chinese traditional virtue cultivation situation and situation of cultural self-confidence, etc. ; In the state of the education sector, to focus on students' understanding of the basic national conditions, students understanding of the achievements of the construction of socialism with Chinese characteristics and the cultivation of students' patriotism.

in the evaluation work effect measure on the basis of the practice education, in order to enhance the objectivity and effectiveness of the quality evaluation, want to combine students evaluation, evaluation of parents and school evaluation assessment, specifically studies the content of the construction of the situation, the practice for research learning trip will provide strong support.

from the course design and research route, quality assessment, these three aspects to explore the construction of education base, efforts to promote studies travel play of the role of education practice, improve the comprehensive quality of students, and create a good environment for the all-round development of students.

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