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How much do you need to see a 7 d movie? 7 d cinema is?

by:Fuhua     2020-12-29

today here and everyone together to talk about a 7 d movies need how many money? 7 d cinema is? With the continuous development of era, 7D cinema slowly come into our lives, to now for many people, especially young people, love is not a very strange things. Then what is? Then we'll take a look at.

first of all, we first address the question what is the 7D cinema. Everyone should know the 5D cinema is an upgrade for 3D cinema, not only has the common 3D stereoscopic effect, also equipped with dynamic seat, using dynamic operating system, can according to the film content to make different movements, such as hair drier, legs, back rubs and so on, the film's visual and tactile true organic combination; And equipped with a special system, wind, rain and lightning, smoke on the film, special equipment will be the emergence of synchronous wind, rain, lightning and smoke. In the dynamic operating system and the special effects, under the joint action of give players a strong feeling in the movie in the environment, the scene.

then 7 d cinema on the basis of the 5 d cinema again ascend, join the player interaction system. Movie player can through dynamic seat beside items, such as interactive pistol, interact with the film content, to play a role in the game, through the fierce combat hero save the United States, or through shooting defeat the monster of terror raid, can cooperate with each other between the characters of success; There will be a scoring system at the same time, in the same field the players of the film, also can have a fight between each other, to the players with enough personal accomplishment!

as a player, 7 d is worth, in addition to the content very not good-looking, fun, also considering the price. At present the price of the 7 d movie not very standard mode, the main reference condition is the geographical location and local cinema consumption level, largely first-tier cities charge level will be higher, the second - and third-tier cities will be lower, basically I wander in the double digits, young people like to stimulate, can find a time to try, will be content.

the content of the above detailed introduces for everybody to see a movie 7 d need how many money? 7D cinema is? Hope to be able to help people have a deeper knowledge and understanding, if you want to learn more knowledge, to recommend pay close attention to the following fuhua WeChat public number.

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