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Earthquake museum - The earthquake science knowledge

by:Fuhua     2021-01-19

the earthquake is a kind of inevitable phenomena of nature, and the earthquake happened frequently in our country, caused by wenchuan earthquake shocked the world, to bring enormous sacrifice and damage to property in the area. Know earthquake, prevention of earthquake, the epicenter in self-help, is a common subject of human face. In order to enhance the consciousness of protecting against and mitigating earthquake disasters of our teenage children, popularize knowledge of earthquake science, calls national mitigation of earthquake disasters, fuhua intelligent joint China seismological bureau of science and technology institute of engineering mechanics, design for the school, the education base of earthquake experience hall!

the earthquake often very suddenly, an earthquake duration is often only a few tens of seconds, in such a short period of time can cause a lot of houses collapsed and casualties. School is the students gathered area, parents are more worried about, if when an earthquake comes, sitting in the classroom the children how to escape? How to avoid shake?

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