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Camp education investment, camp trend, three to five years in the future market reshuffle

by:Fuhua     2021-01-18

camp education investment, camp trend, from the point of the overall development of the industry, the development history of Chinese education camp is only a short few decades, compared with European and American countries hundreds of years of history, there is still much more room for progress.

camp education investment, pointed out that because of China's consumer culture, the education idea, the traditional economic development stage, and the rest of the world are different even difference is different, so it is difficult to simply copy or copy, industry needs to learn the essence, the suitable model of development with Chinese characteristics.

the next three to five years, the development of the industry will be soon, agencies may also experience shakeout stage, the cognitive level of parents will also be more professional.

camp education investment, says camp education is a gradual process, though the industry is now likely to remain in a relatively anxious phase, but with the development of the industry and the rapid growth of demand, this problem will be solved soon.

camp education pay more attention to the cultivation of the comprehensive, so need more professional and compliance agencies to cooperate. In the enterprise keep the benign competition in the market at the same time, also hope that countries and regulators have a more clear industry norms, so as to ensure the service quality and security of the summer camp service management institutions, to better safeguard the rights of the legitimate operators and consumers.

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