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Base camp construction involved in what respect?

by:Fuhua     2021-01-18

guangzhou fuhua digital technology today announced here for everybody to base camp construction involved in what respect? This needs from site selection, design, environmental requirements and the requirements on PeiJian ways, then what is? Then we'll take a look at.

the camp's location 1, car campsites should choose from landslides, mudslides, floods and other natural disasters. 2, vehicle campsites should choose to grow in the far away from harmful animals and plants. 3, auto camping camp should choose to parked vehicles and enough tents. 4, auto camping camp should select highway entrances along the national highway, provincial highway and other main roads around. 5, arrive from the ground level above the city car camping camp should be convenient transportation, drive should be less than 2 hours. 6, car camping camp should select regional open, good ecological environment of natural areas. 7, vehicle campsites appropriate choice in vegetation, rivers, lakes or coast, abundant sunshine areas. 8, auto camping camp should choose in facilitating equipped with water supply, water drainage, power supply, communication, roads and other infrastructure of life.

the camp design 1, when the car campsites design construction, should be combined with the natural environment, facilities, energy comprehensive utilization of natural resources and environmental protection, the reasonable design, moderate development. 2, when the car design construction campsites, should consider to plan as a whole environment, equipment, management, security, use, emergency hedge and other issues. 3, when the car campsites design construction, should be set for children, the elderly, the disabled activities of convenience and space. 4, when the car campsites design construction, should be set for the campers life necessary for accommodation, leisure and entertainment. 5, when the car design construction campsites, party activities should be set up and shelter. 6 campsites design construction, cars, the camp should be natural or artificial fence around the facility, the camp who applied shrubs or planting division.

camp environmental requirements 1, vehicle campsites air quality should comply with the requirements of GB 3095. 2, the noise of vehicle campsites should comply with the requirements of GB 3096. 3, auto camping camp of sewage comprehensive discharge should comply with the requirements of GB 8978. 4, car campsites surface water environment quality should comply with the requirements of GB 3838. 5, auto campsites soil environment should comply with the requirements of GB 15618.

camp PeiJian gateway 1, should be set at the entrance reception room, the guard. 2, the position of the entrances and exits, and doors should be to facilitate all kinds of vehicles, at the same time, should meet the safety requirements. 3, inward and outward should be set up temporary parking area, tips and guide signs.

recreational area 1, car camping camp should be set for campers have sports sports venues. 2 square, auto camping camp shall set up comprehensive activities, organize collective activities for campers. 3, camp facilities ( Equipment, equipment) Before installation, camp management personnel should verify the certificate of quality and form a record.

1 service center, service center for fixed building, should be equipped with the office, office, security room, transformer room and basic medical conditions, etc. 2, service center should be the location of the camp is located in the car camp near the entrance obviously, center scale according to the camp construction scale. 3, sets up the commodity sale center, service center shall provide campers use must articles for daily use, Including sports leisure products) 。 4, service center for campers to provide check-in and check-out, consulting services, etc. 5, restaurant hygiene standards should comply with the requirements of GB 16153. 6, restaurant cooking soot emissions should comply with the requirements of GB 18483. 7, should be in a location near the center of the service to provide users with disabilities, the elderly and children's activity and use of precincts, shall comply with the terms of JGJ 50 construction requirements.

1, vehicle campsites health life health facilities, temperature, food hygiene and pollution control should be in line with the requirements of GB 9664. 2, life health facilities should include a public toilet, shower, public bathroom, laundry room. 3, the life sanitary facilities should be internal air circulation, the light is enough, ground laid, prevent slippery floor tile, the ground wet condition of static friction coefficient should not be less than 0. 5. Life health facilities should be used, mothproof, maggots, flies, rodents and other facilities. 4, life health facilities should give full consideration to the elderly, children, disabled facilities configuration. Disabled people life health facilities shall comply with the relevant requirements of JGJ 50. 5, water health life sanitation facilities shall comply with the requirements of GB 5749 and CJ 3020. 6, the public toilet should comply with the GB/T 18973-2003 one of the basic requirements. 7, public toilet near the disabled and the elderly should be set up special sanitary toilet and children with special facilities, at the same time try to adopt advanced water-saving equipment, reliable and easy to use.

security, fire control, medical and emergency facilities 1, should be equipped with fire fighting equipment, to ensure that its use in good condition. 2, should be equipped with all kinds of equipment needed for night patrol. 3, camping in the structure of the fire protection design should comply with the requirements of GB 50016. 4, the various functions should set outdoor fire hydrant and fire equipment according to the requirements of fire prevention. 5, put the red box fire equipment should be placed in the striking position, fire equipment should be checked regularly, to ensure its effectiveness. 6, should be equipped for emergency treatment, treatment for emergency drugs and a litter equipment available to rescue. 7, water sports and camping car camp surrounding waters area should be equipped with life-saving equipment. 8, perform manual and shall be equipped with emergency medical first aid manual.

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