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7 d cinemas, fuhua tell you something about 7 d

by:Fuhua     2020-10-19

7D cinema manufacturer is the game entertainment and move feeling theater ingenious combination of technology innovation projects, also is a new concept of entertainment media. Its basic meaning is refers to the viewer to become the character in the movie, in the film the environment set up in advance with the plot, let the viewer, as it were, feel oneself is a part in the movie, the viewer is the main character in the movie or a part of it, and continue to produce interaction and video content.

7 d cinema manufacturer's basic meaning is refers to the viewer to become the character in the movie, in the film the environment set up in advance with the plot, let the viewer, as it were, feel oneself is a part in the movie, the viewer is the main character in the movie or a part of it, and continue to produce interaction and video content. Cinema internal dynamic seat will be combined with the film content appear accordingly, when there is wind, rain, thunder, the movie the natural phenomena such as electric, special equipment will appear synchronous wind, rain, thunder, lightning and other natural landscape; When the audience fighter plane launch missiles at the enemy, the seat will be strong, let the audience feel almost extreme sense of engagement and interaction, confusion, anxiety, pain, joy can be real to feel!

7 d cinemas, tell you in 7 d movie, every audience is the character in the movie, the audience can participate in, the result of the film audience, can even change the development process of the film, they can pass the fierce combat hero save the United States, by shooting to repel the enemy attack, you can succeed together for mutual assistance between the characters.

7D interactive cinema is 3D, 4D, 5D, 6 d cinema upgrade project. 7 d cinemas can 7 d interactive movie already, also can play 3D, 4 d and 6 d, 5D movies, 3 d, 4D, 5 d, 6 d co. Therefore, only investment more than 7 d interactive cinema to achieve maximum success.

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